男人最愛::巴西超模 Alexandre Cunha 獨家專訪-上

巴西超模 Alexandre Cunha 獨家專訪-上

上回,我們我們認識了巴西超模 Alexandre Cunha 的工作經驗,這回,Alex 與我們分享他對潮流趨勢的看法。



Alexandre Cunha(以下簡稱 Alex):這是一個很有趣的點,因為社群媒體為更多人帶來機會,使市場開始快速變化,而那正好是「時尚」所需要的,我想這是很自然的現象。但我敢肯定的是,沒有人能透過「自拍」學會(模特兒)真正的工作,換言之,為了能給予客戶和攝影師期待的照片,我們不是用這麼容易的方式學習!有些人或許可以,但非常少。大部份的模特兒並不清楚他們到底在做什麼,他們以為自己是那份工作的主角,而這是一個轉折點——最終「產品呈現的效果」非常重要!那些了解情況的模特兒們,知道所有的工作都是為了呈現更全面的願景,而不是只把自己黏在相片裡,並且願意與團隊一起盡最大的努力來實現這個願景,那些才是在職場上創造更長且成功的事業的人。

Alex: Its an interesting point because social media gives opportunities to more people and the market changes very fast and fashion needs it. Its natural I think. What I am sure is that nobody learn how to really work under selfies. So, to be able to give the picture that the client and the photographer are waiting from us, we don't learn so easily. Some people do. But only few. Most of the models don't really know what they are really doing, they think the job is about them. And this is a turning point. The attention for the final product is very important. The models that understands that all the jobs are a bigger picture then just them stamped "there" and work with the team in their best to make it happen, those are the ones that make a longer successful carrier in the business.


前陣子我讀到一篇國外報導,內容提到現在的模特兒們至少需要在 Instagram 上擁有「一萬個追隨者(粉絲)」才能找到工作,長相、身材好已不單是模特兒的必備條件,「影響力」也成為業主挑選合作對象的考量要素,你對此有什麼看法?

Alex:很多人開始非常依賴他們在社群媒體上創造的圖片,這令我有點擔憂。我愛那分享好照片、影片和點子的想法,但可惜我們看到最多的是 Instagram 的奴隸,且主要是模特兒們。最大的問題點是我們如何處理那些「相片」,它們基本上是讓我們得到工作的「工具」,但同時也是我們的私人生活,那麼我們到底要多開放才對呢?!而產業迫使的「保持 po 文」和「追隨者(粉絲)」問題也有點惱人⋯⋯其結果是,大部份時間我們都看到一堆鴨子臉和無趣的照片。我認為 Instagram 帶來的挖掘才藝奇人的這個現象本身很棒,確實,那裡有非常多才華洋溢的人們,但就如我前面說的,一個客戶若光靠追隨著(粉絲)數量來決定雇用一個人,恐怕會使整個製作陷入險境,因為他錄用的可能是一個 Instagram 怪胎。

Alex: I think its a bit concerning how lot's of people are turning very attached to the image that they create in social media. I love the idea of sharing nice pics, videos and ideas. But what we see a lot its a slavery of the Instagram. Mainly for the models. The question in how can we deal with our "image" that it is basically "the tool" to get jobs and our personal life. How open should we be?! And also the pression from the industry to be posting and following up with social its a bit annoying. The consequence is that we see duck faces and uninteresting pics most of the times. The phenomenon that Instagram gives to discover people and talents i think its great. And there are lots of talented people on it, But as I said, a client that books a model only because of the followers, can risk an entire production because he might be booking an Instagram freak.


巴西超模 Alexandre Cunha 獨家專訪-上



Alex: With trust in what and in how I did things. I believe that the way I built my carrier with professionalism, respect and joy it was solid enough to keep my clients close and to keep working with new ones. The images that I proudly created with all the others involved in my carrier also are a value. They prove the clients that I can give them the job. This, we don't have when we are new or a trend.




Alex: I am sure that helped me to know how to deal with the money that I make. It also gave me a sense of competition and efficiency that I guess helped me during the way. Learning how to professionally approach and deal with people in a company, helped me to get along with the clients and colleagues on set.




Alex: I plan to have a long carrier, save some money, invest and open a school for kids. I wanna work with education later on. I believe that it's the only way we can change something. If i wasn't a model now, i would be an Economist or Accountant. I had a business education as my father is an accountant and my mom a psychologist.




Alex: I thought about that before but I don't think so. Fashion have been keeping me busy and I want to build more concretely later on these project about the school. School not focused on punishing the mistakes but based in a different system that boosts creativity.


(下回待續⋯⋯to be continued.)

※圖片+文字:Vogue 風格達人-時尚主播 kowei




巴西超模 Alexandre Cunha 獨家專訪-上

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