kuso::求你喊我一聲 媽 !!





然後她通過了結帳檯,當她要走出超市時年輕人喊了一聲 :「媽,再見」 






這篇文章你感動了嗎? 還是大笑一場?
原文如下 : 
A young man shopping in a supermarket noticed a little old lady following him around. If he stopped, she stopped. Furthermore she kept staring at him. 
She finally overtook him at the checkout, and she turned to him and said, 
'I hope I haven't made you feel ill at ease; 
it's just that you look so much like my late son.' 
He answered, 'That's okay.' 
'I know it's silly, but if you'd call out 'Good bye, Mom' as I leave the store, it would make me feel so happy.' 
She then went through the checkout, and as she was on her way out of the store, the man called out, 'Goodbye, Mom.' 
The little old lady waved, and smiled back at him. 
Pleased that he had brought a little sunshine into someone's day, he went to pay for his groceries. 
'That comes to $121.85,' said the clerk. 
'How come so much ... I only bought 5 items..' 
The clerk replied, 'Yeah, but your Mother said you'd be paying for her things, too.'




有些男生會經常抱怨自己相貌堂堂卻找不到漂亮女友,然後就說那些樣貌醜的男生為什麼可以找到正妹女友,其實,你們也不用抱怨,沒意思的,因為:▼也許,這只是某個片場 ▼也許,她喜歡大胸男人,可能缺乏母愛吧 ▼也許,他們只是在計程車上相遇 ▼也許,在寂寞的冬季,只有緊緊相擁才能感到溫暖  ▼也許,...

視覺享受的波霸餐廳 這叫人怎麼專心吃飯啊?

一提到有性感特色的運動主題餐廳,相信很多男生會直接聯想到 Hooters 這樣的一個地方,招牌的呼拉圈表演(當然餐點也不錯吃啦~),可是吸引了不少男士相揪前往。但其實這樣的特色餐廳在歐美不算少,而且熱門程度也早已司空見慣。但現在小編要跟大家分享的,就是在國外一樣生意興隆,服務生的身材更是好到嚇嚇叫...