2014年全球最佳婚禮攝影20張! 歡喜與眼淚交織!
Samsung GALAXY S II 婚禮攝影的照片相信大家都看得不少,這些攝影師記錄下人生重要的一刻,對於新人或是家屬來說,都是一輩子的回憶,國際婚攝組織 International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers (ISPWP)每年也都會接受投With the GALAXY S II in your hand, you will no longer be limited or 'contained' when it comes to enjoying your mobile life. The GALAXY S II will help you achieve what you want. Check out the GALAXY S II microsite(http://bit.ly/eCS6Nl) or Samsung Mobile Fa...