PAZZO X Charlie Brown A W『黑白美式主義』的穿搭演繹!
Notebooks & Ultrabooks - ASUS VivoBook S200E 國民人氣品牌 PAZZO 在今年秋冬之季首次與《 Peanuts 》中的經典人物 Charlie Brown 查理·布朗合作聯名啦! 美國著名卡通 Charles M. Schulz 筆下的《PEANUTS / 花生漫畫》推出 65 週年以來,一ASUS VivoBook embodies the spirit of TOUCH to maximize intuitive Windows 8 computing. ... User- Centric Innovations Larger, accurate, and greatly more intuitive with a wider range of gestures detected for true touch fidelity on touchpads....