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Samsung GT-S 5230 - Increase the default volume level「沒當過兵的男人不算男人?」「合理的要求是訓練、不合理的要求是磨練?」 很多男生在剛退伍之後,仍然保有一些當兵時養成的習慣,譬如說早睡早起的作息啦,聽長輩說話時忍不住想回答「是」。這些當然只是冰山一角,軍旅生活一個口令一個動作的教育方式,還會養成哪些習慣呢? 1.進主管辦公室前敲門說「報告」 2.被The Samsung GT-S 5230 mobile phone allows users to access test mode for various operations such as increasing or decreasing the volume on their phone amongst other features. If the volume of the MP3 music being played on the phone is very low, the......


Samsung SHS 5230 Digital Lock想知道女生胸部的大小?很簡單~你只需要說一句:「你綁雙馬尾的話應該會很合適吧~!」像這樣~你就成功了XDDD~ A罩杯-Airport:飛機場!B罩杯-Barely there:那裡幾乎沒有!C罩杯-Can do:湊合用!D罩杯-Damn good:真合適!E罩杯-Ecstasy:令人銷魂!F罩杯-** NEWS ** The Samsung SHS H700 now replaces the SHS 5230. This new model looks and operates the same as SHS 5230 but is equipped with the latest components including a patented bidirectional mortise lock....
