三星Galaxy Tab

Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 - Samsung Mobile好可愛~~ GALAXY Tab 2 - Easy Every Day, Tab 2 is Life All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this website including, but not limited to,the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance,...


SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 無限機平板電腦介紹 - SOGI手機王你覺得呢? SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 無限機採用 Android 2.2 版作業系統,7 吋的超大螢幕提供最佳的螢幕顯示寬度、人性化直覺式的操作介面提供更簡易且有趣的使用經驗,SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 結合三星各項領先業界的創新技術,絕佳效能表現超越智慧型手...


Samsung Galaxy Tab series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia只是會想說...小姐...你不冷嗎?? The Samsung Galaxy Tab is a line of upper mid-range Android-based tablet computers produced by Samsung. The first model in the series, the 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab, was first introduced on 2 September 2010 at the IFA in ......
