World Heritage Magazine 世界遺產雜誌 | Facebook 我第兒子在剛滿六個月的時候,一直三四天高燒不退也拉肚子.. 我老婆急了,打電話給醫生。 老婆說:「醫生,他還拉肚子怎麼辦?」 醫生說:「牛奶泡淡..」 老婆說:「泡蛋?那那那.. 整顆?還是只要蛋黃就好,要不要撥殼啊?」&Saint George Day Horse Roundup at Aggtelek National Park and World H... eritage Site, Hungary Enjoy the babbling brooks and sparkling springs on the way to visit the national park’s herd of free-roaming hucul horses in their eye-catching natural splendour...