China Eastern Airlines ▲林志玲與大老闆們。(source:頭條號主曉石娛樂,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信說到林志玲,生在台灣的各位都知道吧?擁有號稱台灣第一美女的她,不僅會唱歌還會演戲,甚至也當過主持人和演過電影,說她是台灣的一線女星也不為過。 但是根據頭條號主曉石娛樂報導,林志玲最讓人津津樂道的卻Please fill in your details below. The form will then be emailed to our London office who will contact you to follow up. If you decide to go ahead with your ... China Eastern Airlines fly to more than 151 destinations and operate more than thousand flight...