內煞車大廠-VTTR制動王創立24年 深獲車友信賴
Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings, AIIB, Intelligent Building Index, green buildings, smart b圖/顧宗濤、VTTR制動王 協力/ VTTR制動王 網址:www.vttr.com.tw 對於不斷追求動力提昇的當下,對於煞車系統的強化也是相對重要的課題,加速愈快的車,減速也需愈敏捷,如此才能確保人車高速奔馳時的安全,這也代表煞車系統的穩定性攸關人命安全,所以煞車可不是改好看就可以了,而是選擇The Conference on Intelligent Structure System and Facility (ISSF2014), organized by Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings (AIIB), will be held in Hong Kong on 7 January 2014. You are invited to submit a paper to this conference to share your knowledge...