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Wii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia adidas 旗下 NBA 超級巨星-新科洛杉磯湖人隊後衛林書豪於今(23)日造訪「adidas x 林書豪 Take on Summer Tour」返台之旅最後一站,首度正式蒞臨台灣運動購物指標-adidas忠孝旗艦店。由於林書豪預計將於當晚飛離台灣,故即便面臨颱風因素,一向親和的林書豪仍依約前Nintendo has stated that the official plural form is "Wii systems" or "Wii consoles." The Nintendo Style Guide refers to the console as "simply Wii, not Nintendo Wii", making it the first home console Nintendo has marketed outside Japan without the compan...