Isis - Crystalinks 你以為滿世界的動物就只有狗汪和喵喵嗎? 出去走走你才發現, 原來這些動物, 你可能一輩子都沒見過! 吸血鬼鹿 本文由卡娃微卡旗下樂活記出品 什麼吸血鬼鹿,人家可是阿富汗的國寶級動物!我的學名是克什米爾麝香鹿,絕對是充滿著貴族氣質好嘛!  The symbol of Isis in the heavens was Sirius, known colloquially as the Dog Star reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Big Dog). Sirius was greatly beloved because its appearance marked not only the beginning of a New Year, but anno...