何欣穗Ciacia-A Dialogue Between Me & My Ghost - YouTube 網絡有個好處,就是漲知識。尤其當遇到疑難問題,莫衷一是的時候,大神的出現簡直就像救世主!下面就是這樣的一些案例: 問:一個老的三星電腦鍵盤,那個咖啡色的是啥? 網友:用來一鍵激活屏幕保護程序 問:這個像惡魔一樣,是什麼? &nb作詞:何欣穗(ciacia) 作曲:何欣穗(ciacia) ME: if you would sing me a song a simple one would cheer me up then I would take this walk but you decide which way to go in my life , there were doubts different kinds that made me frown in my dreams , you were found I must ...