Non-Food Compounds Registration - InS Services - insservices.eu (翻攝自Dcard) 一直都有一句話:「男追女,隔層山;女追男,隔層紗。」 倒不是因為字面上的意思代表著女追男比較容易成功, 所以鼓勵各位姊姊妹妹站起來勇於求愛, 而是在這個年代的女孩子,已經不是被動地等著男人來追求了。 也許是時代變遷吧! 如今的女孩子再也不能以過去「女子無才便是德」InS Services provide an internation system for the registration of non-food compounds used to maintain food producing machines ... InS Services was created in the UK by Sid Stone and Eric Gard to fill the market need for an alternative H1 registration bod...