Porsche 911 GT3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia【大字】加一筆,你最先想到什麼字? 超準的心理測試, 動動手指,測一測吧~ A. 夭 B. 木 C. 犬 D. 天 E. 夫 F. 太 測試結束 答 案 見 下 方 ▼ 答案A 夭 你是一個很善於意會的人,好像能看透每個人,朋友有The Porsche 911 GT3 is a high performance version of the Porsche 911 sports car primarily intended for racing. It is a line of high-performance models, which began with the 1973 911 Carrera RS. The GT3 is named after the Fédération Internationale de l'Aut...