The General English Proficiency Test - hiBox 全能信箱 再多的金錢也比不過遇到這麼好的家庭! 比嫁入豪門更值得驕傲,就是我有很棒的另一半遇到很好的婆婆與家人 -----------------------------靠北婆家原文: #靠北婆家26300 我要說婆家的每一個人,婆婆,大伯,大姑,小叔, 我跟老公結婚十年了,生了三個孩子, 結「全民英檢」中高級練習題聽力稿 一. 聽力測驗 Question number 1: So, how are you getting along with Daniel? Question number 2: W: How do you like your new job? M: Well, it's interesting being the only man in the office. W: All of your co-workers are ......