六人行i'll be there for you歌詞

I AM FUEL, YOU ARE FRIENDS老兄...你嘛幫幫忙吧,有人會這樣搭訕嗎? oh Lord So you thank me for my hard work but you’ve had it up to there ’cause this shouldn’t be hard work but I’ll fight to care if you’d care to fight Thank you for your hard work but I’ve had it up to here ’cause this shouldn’t be hard work least not th...


Well - What Are Friends For? A Longer Life - NYTimes.com哈哈....好好玩!第二張比基尼接得天衣無縫耶! In the quest for better health, many people turn to doctors, self-help books or herbal supplements. But they overlook a powerful weapon that could help them fight illness and depression, speed recovery, slow aging and prolong life: their friends. “In gene...
