迷彩美女傳遞熱情,夏威夷機場登機橋 擺渡車塗裝大改造
Sid - Ice Age Wiki接下來有夏威夷出遊計劃的同學,或許會在機場見到塗裝一新的登機橋與擺渡車。這一塗裝項目由夏威夷本土品牌 FITTED HAWAII、塗鴉機構 POW! WOW! 以及夏威夷航空公司攜手打造,目的自然是讓遊客們在抵達夏威夷的第一時間,就能透過精心設計的迷彩與美女畫像感受到當地的獨特風情。值得一提的是,登Biography A lazy, slovenly ground sloth, Sid was not the most perceptive creature to live in the ice age, but made up for his shortcomings with loyalty to those he cared about. Sid's joining a herd of animals shaped his life for years ahead, becoming more...