Iceland Volcano Eruption 2011: Images From Grimsvotn (PHOTOS/ VIDEO) (source:靠北老公) 婆家養出了一個吃飯堅持不自己動手,衛生習慣還超差的小姑,卻要媳婦多包涵,多關照!但是這樣的小姑,卻有一堆工具人搶著要,是真的還是假的?婆婆自己寵出來的,自己負責啊,不要出來危害人間! -----------------------------The eruption of the Grimsvotn volcano sends thousands of tonnes of volcanic ash into the sky on May 23, 2011 above Iceland. The cloud has forced the closure of Icelandic airspace and spread fears of a repeat of the global travel chaos that was caused by l...