adverb - definition of adverb by The Free Dictionary (圖片擷取自東網) 半年前發現我家斜對面的麥當當來了個新員工很親切眼睛很大雙眼皮很深邃眼睫毛長到我想把它剪掉我第一次萌生了想要搭訕對方的感覺那股衝動我選了人煙稀少的時間去點餐我:我要一份1+1男:好的你要什麼我:我先問你1+1等於多少?男:呃.....2?我:錯,是50喲(指著1+1ad·verb (ăd′vûrb) n. Abbr. adv. 1. The part of speech that modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or an entire clause or sentence. 2. Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as so, very, and rapidly. [Middle English adverbe, from O...