至臻完美巔峰典藏勞斯萊斯Ghost Zenith全球限量發表
Finger Tips: Welcome對於層峰人士及高端收藏家來說,能夠得到真正巔峰之作產品的機會是極為稀少的。勞斯萊斯汽車秉持著手工打造的高標準,只有大約每隔十年才會推出一次限量版本的稀世珍品。這類稀世珍品的推出往往是勞斯萊斯出於對“至臻完美”品牌理念的自我挑戰。 秉持打造至臻完美的品牌精神,在Ghost車系即將邁入輝煌的十周年里Welcome to our Finger Tips website. Here you can watch clips of the show, find instructions on how to make your own Finger Tips creations and other information about the show. You can even upload photos of things you've made to our very own gallery. Let's...