Friday the 13th (2009 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia男人有位老婆實在很喜歡講電話不論是對方打來還是自己打趣 每次都要扯上三個小時才肯罷休男人也經常為昂貴的電話費以及吵雜的聊天聲困擾 有一天 老婆又一如往常地接起正響著的電話 男人心想 這下可好了 又得吵上半天了 男人便仔細的盯著自己的手表 想要知道這次花多久時間才能安寧 男人因為太專注的盯著表 完全沒Friday the 13th is a 2009 American slasher film written by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift, and directed by Marcus Nispel. The film is a reboot of the Friday the 13th film series,[3][4] which began in 1980, and is the twelfth installment in the franchise. N...