7間「日本大學美食街」超羨慕!「咖哩豬排 拉麵」要什麼有什麼,屌打台灣所有大學!還有一間是旋轉景觀餐
Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media | Windows 7 content from Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Wi本文轉自日本設計小站(ID:japandesign),已獲得其授權 日式の生活美學 從小到大,吃的最多的大概就是學校午餐, 小學、國中、高中、大學…… 怎麼說呢,合作社、學校美食街是個充滿Thanks so much Paul. This did work for Windows 8 as well from an upgrade for Windows pro 8. I had a new computer with 8 installed by a friend but couldn't activate it. If I put Windows 7 in to try install that first, the mouse and keyboard stopped working...