你好PUMA 最強男友許光漢 正式加入 PUMA 品牌大使之列
Yahoo Messenger【CWNTP 應瑋漢 [email protected]】PUMA 繼 2019 年底重磅宣布流行天后 Jolin 蔡依林正式入主 PUMA 女力大使行列,今再度釋出超威大禮,對外宣布最強男友許光漢正式加入 PUMA 品牌大使陣容,於官方釋出的視覺影片中許光漢用充滿磁性的聲音道出:「你好,Share photos instantly, send GIFs and even unsend messages. It’s the fastest way to keep in touch with friends. ... THE NEW YAHOO MESSENGER Share photos instantly, send GIFs and even unsend messages. It’s the fastest way to keep in touch with friends....