Swords and Sandals 2 - help the gladiator to battle his way to fame and fortune 圖片來源 昨天有網友在DCARD上面發布一則文章 因為自身體味的關係困擾自身很久 最近終於鼓起勇氣向男友坦白這件事情 沒想到男友的超霸氣回答 讓所有看到此文章的網友全都大喊真愛 以下為原PO 從小到大一直有狐臭的困擾我知道閃光是個很在意味道的人所以我一直不敢跟他說我有狐臭每次跟他出去常常去廁所補擦Your ultimate aim in this great game is to help the gladiator to battle his way to fame and fortune. Defeat all the arena champions and reign as champion yourself. If you find yourself struggling, try a different strategy. Tooltips will guide your way thr...