THE SHERWOOD TAIPEI - Taipei 5 Star luxury boutique hotel - Taiwan 有一個女孩,她很愛她的男朋友。一天,她男朋友說想要她的第一次,開始女孩不肯,她男朋友就說,我那麽愛你,以後肯定能娶你,如果你也愛我,就應該證明給我看。最後,女孩同意了。後來有一天,女孩看見他的男朋友和別的女人親密的走在一起,她知道他已經不愛她了,所以,他們分手了。再後來,女孩又有了新男朋友。一天,As you arrive at Taipei Songshan International Airport, the global city hub of Taiwan,You’re off, off on an adventure, off on a mission.The wind gently blows as you reminisce in time gone by,As you embrace the nostalgic and artistic Ming Shen Neighborhood...