Taiwan Country Code 886 Country Code TW - Country Codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Codes, Telephone Codes ▲示意圖,非當事人,翻攝自sohu news.china (翻攝自gigcasa,下同) 在批踢踢實業坊看到這篇 看完我內心中滿滿滿的驚嘆號 下巴都要掉地上了 神扯!!! 來源 ▲示意圖 ---------原文如下--------- 這是我親身發生的故事(文長EASY TO REMEMBER URL: 'CountryCode.org/taiwan' for Taiwan country code 886 country codes TW and Taiwan phone number ... CountryCode.org is your complete guide to make a call from anywhere in the world, to anywhere in the world. This page details ......