Alexa - Top Sites in Taiwan - Alexa - Actionable Analytics for the WebTVBS歡樂台《女人我最大》首次邀來不老男神謝祖武大駕光臨,主持人藍心湄時隔多年再見謝祖武,馬上讚美:「他現在比較年輕,而且整個縮水,以前覺得他肉肉的,現在反而整個變小隻、變年輕,不簡單!」藍心湄認為人年紀到了一個階段,可以維持像他這樣很厲害,搞笑說謝祖武「全身都好緊」。潘慧如和謝祖武搭檔演出《初戀Top Sites in Taiwan The sites in the top sites lists are ordered by their 1 month alexa traffic rank. The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past month. The site with the highest combination of ...