
Stephen Hawking IQ Test - Fast, Free and Accurate Online IQ Test各種女孩喝水的樣子!! 最後一個也太猛了吧!!  What is IQ? The average IQ is 100. Have you wondered what your IQ score is? Our original Stephen Hawking IQ Test will give you a fast, free and accurate iq score. Take our quick free Stephen Hawking IQ test and find out just how smart you are....


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What is Stephen Hawking's IQ - Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Question   小編:這隻松鼠有前途啊...Notable Works Written by Stephen Cannell Stephen Cannell is a deceased TV writer, producer and novelist. He spent a life dedicating himself to the entertainment industry by creating high-quality TV shows, movies and… The Definition of IQ, and Its Uses in ...


Teen has higher IQ than than Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein & Bill Gates - YouTube   小編:可能要請邱先生來鑑定一下...A brainy teenager has scored an incredible 162 in his IQ test – higher than Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates – making him one of the UK’s brightest people. Paulius Zabotkiene, 14, was entered into the Mensa brain test by his eager parents, ...
