同事in English,同事translation,同事Chinese English dictionary# Lizzie Velasquez一出生就沒有任何脂肪組織,這意味著她沒有體脂,體重不能增加#今年23歲,她說她在網上被陌生人欺負#除此之外,她說她也不想要長得像某個漂亮的名人# 2年前在煎蛋報導過:非禮勿視:傳說中怎麼吃都不會胖的女生 她受盡嘲笑,在街上被人盯著看,被不敏感的網絡暴力稱為&ldqLook up 同事 English translation with Nciku online Chinese-English Dictionary. ... Auto Complete Type in a word or part of a word, then choose from the provided word list. Using auto complete, you can easily find the keyword you are looking for by only ......