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Hotel Grand Soluxe Angkor Palace - Luxury resort SIEM REAP執行、文字/YenLin 攝影/Mark Lee妝髮/李湘琦模特兒/張哲瑋(子席)、鄭伊庭(風暴)「西裝」,是男人的決勝關鍵服,亦是品味與「衣Q」的代名詞。為了使它成為你的加分利器,透過以下3款不同風情的示範穿搭與18種搭配小技巧,徹底展現迷人的型男風範。(左)條紋襯衫、印花領帶、紅色單排釦西裝外套The 'Angkor Palace' as it is locally known, provides exclusive accommodation and other excellent retreat facilities for travelers seeking to experience one of the wonders of the world. Home | Location | Contact | Awards | ONLINE BOOKING Facebook | Google+...