MBI - Maxigen Biotech Inc. – medical device, masks, and skincare products 加拿大警方公佈,上週在哈利法克斯市街頭為路人送錢的男人已經被送進夏洛特鎮醫院接受精神鑑定。 Leanne Butler警官稱,上週四愛德華王子島的皇家騎警接報要求為名為Richard Wright的男性進行精神檢查。Butler說警員們看到Wright駕車出行後攔下了他。她說:“警員們MBI is devoted to R&D, manufacturing, and marketing of orthopedic, ophthalmic, and dental medical devices and skincare products. MBI has successfully launched various medical products on the global market. Both our manufacturing facilities meet ISO and GM...