
─馬仕得咖啡MOSOR COFFEE─  父親節   一年多以來,小孩子都只記得母親節,卻忘了父親節,所以爸爸都挺失落的。   而今年八月八日,有位爸爸坐在餐桌旁和家人用餐。   突然間兒子就往冰箱走去,當他打開冰箱蹲下取物時,突然若無其事的說︰「爸!你知道今天是幾月幾日嗎?」   老爸咖啡豆,咖啡生豆,烘焙,咖啡,限量,嘉義 ... 1.哥倫比亞-科卡洛伊 2.尼加拉瓜-聖海約瑟 3.葉門-摩卡瑪塔莉(日曬法) 4.哥倫比亞-莫爾艾塔 5.印尼-頂級黃金曼特寧...


John C. Coffee Jr. | Faculty | Columbia Law School紙箱中的真實版瑪莉歐感覺好好玩喔......   B.A., Amherst, 1966; LL.B., Yale, 1969; LL.M. (in taxation), New York University, 1976. Following graduation from law school, was a Reginald Heber Smith fellow for one year, doing poverty law litigation in New York City. Corporate lawyer with Cravath, Swa...


咖啡豆種類與特色說明 @ Coffeejaya 珈雅咖啡 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::   有些話不用多說什麼~也可以明白!先前曾經有撰文有關咖啡豆的種類、或是咖啡豆的產地,因為總覺得不夠豐富,所以再度搜尋更多資料希望可以以饗有強烈求知慾的咖啡喜好朋友!!! 大致區分中、南美洲、東非 ......


Coffee: Resources for home espresso - Department of Mathematics at Columbia University - Welcome 2012年最紅的歌曲,變成這樣....| Pavoni | Pavoni mill | Zassenhaus mill | Braun mill | French press | Stovetop espresso | Coffee extract | Zassenhaus hand mills are wooden, hand-operated burr grinders. Burr grinders tear the beans open between two raspy metal wheels like milling flour,...


Home - Columbia River Coffee RoasterFacebook口味的冰淇淋   'Facebook'會是什麼味道的呢?克羅地亞穆爾特島的迪斯諾小鎮上,這家'Valentino'冰淇淋商店的兩位老闆匠心獨運,推出了Facebook風味冰淇淋。 老闆之一的​​Admir Adil發現自己15歲的女兒天天沒完沒了地刷臉書,靈光乍現之下,他就Columbia River Coffee Roaster specializes in custom blends and roasts using the best beans available. We offer equipment and service to our wholesale accounts, and delivery of small batch coffees, roasted to order....
