「結婚21年仍像熱戀,瘋狂的深愛著對方。」休傑克曼在IG放閃,自創專屬愛妻標籤 MyDebs
International Date Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 休傑克曼Hugh Jackman與妻子黛博拉李佛尼斯Deborra-Lee Furness在今年剛剛慶祝過21年結婚紀念日,金鋼狼才在IG大曬合照感謝妻子陪他走過21年的精采歲月,並甜言蜜語留下:「我最愛的妻子,我全心全意地愛著你。」近日接受外媒《時人雜誌People》訪問時,談到妻子,Hugh The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on the surface of the Earth that runs from the north to the south pole and demarcates the change of one calendar day to the next. It passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean, roughly following t...