吃烏賊吃出刺痛感 韓女子被千萬精蟲「口爆」
International Date Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 近日美國《寄生蟲病學期刊》出現了一起古怪病例,一名63歲韓國婦女食用煮熟的烏賊時,竟然吃出刺痛感,雖然將口中食物吐出來,可是仍有強烈異物感。經過檢查後才發現她的口腔裡滿是蟲形微生物。 據外媒報導,烏賊的每一個精囊都有各自的射精機制,可以使精子在發射時強而有力,並且伴隨一些混黏的膠狀物,這原本是為了The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on the surface of the Earth that runs from the north to the south pole and demarcates the change of one calendar day to the next. It passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean, roughly following t...