
眼鏡復古風潮-圓形眼鏡初探 | 尊貴眼鏡 Dear Abba Optical你是哪種呢? You lost me, friend. Get real, I imagine I recieve what youre saying. I’m sure what you’re saying, and you just appear to have forgotten that you will find some other folks in the world who view this trouble for the purpose it truly is and could perhaps n...


無線電小常識 --- 天線增益 - QSL.net誰能告訴我~!? 天線為什麼有增益 ? 「Ground Plane」與「八木」有何不同 ? < Thanks to C.O.Yang for the info. supplied > 一般誤解: 天線愈長愈大,效果愈好,可以放大功率,增加效益。 其實: 天線是用來將射頻「電能」變成電磁波的元件,就如同燈炮是用來將電能變成光波 ......
