妳聽過無性戀嗎?│ELLE 她雜誌
Smoky Turkey Chili Recipe異性戀、同性戀、雙性戀,以及無性戀?!愛與性不就是人類就基本的生理渴望嗎?現在就讓我們來集中探討,令人疑惑的「無性戀(Asexuality)」吧。 PHOTOS:GETTY IMAGES TEXT:KIM NA-RAE EDIT:CHELSEA CHEN 或許妳覺得很疑惑,究竟什麼是「無性戀」?從定We're of the mind that if you're going to make chili, make a big pot. It'll keep in the refrigerator for about 5 days, so you can also eat it later in the week. Or freeze some and pull it out on one of those days when the idea of cooking dinner is as unap...