
Mexico: Junk Food Tax Is Approved - NYTimes.com 啊!美麗的春天又來到了。   瘦的人出門踏青,胖的人出門踩青,而像我這樣不胖不瘦、肥瘦相間、油而不膩的可愛小博主,腦子裡卻有另外一種想法:         既然都去爬山了,那我們不如下海吧。   ▼      Aiming to curb unhealthy consumption habits, Mexico’s Congress on Thursday approved new taxes on sugary drinks and junk food. Lawmakers approved a tax of one peso per liter, or about 8 cents, on soft drinks and an 8 percent sales tax on high-calorie foods...


Pepsi and Coke take hammering in Mexico as junk food tax starts to bite — RT Business ▲這二位正妹的胸前「大白球」讓許多網友看了都超興奮。(source:pictaram,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 大家會不會認為打高爾夫的時候,都只會看見那些有錢中年男子,根本一點都不有趣呢?其實這是個天大的誤會,高爾夫最常見的就是年輕妹子啊,只是通常打小白球的妹子,不是身家背景好Mexico has become one of the few places Pepsi and Coke have seen declining sales after the country adopted anti-obesity laws last year. Concerned over the losses the US beverage industry seems determined to stop similar legislation at home. PepsiCo saw a ...


Junk food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia女性未來的性伴侶會是機械人?喜歡的人不出現,出現的人不喜歡,你願意與機器人談場戀愛嗎? 英國未來學家皮爾遜(Ian Pearson)指, 不出10年女性與機械人做愛會較與男性做愛更多,且情況像目前女性看A片般普遍。 (source:沃顿商业)本文下圖皆出自同處。 之前我們有為大家介紹過超擬真、超火辣Junk food is a pejorative term for food containing high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Use of the term implies that a particular food has little "nutritional value" and contains excessive fat, sugar, salt, ...


Articles about Junk Food - latimes 今天要說的,是英國的一戶大家庭....   照片裡這家子住在英國蘭開夏郡,幾乎每年都會被各大媒體報導,     因為,這一家子是“英國最大的家庭”...   這個大家庭的男女主人名字叫Noel(45歲)和Sue(40歲),他們在過去的Junk Food News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Junk Food From The latimes ... Are farm subsidies making us fat? Billions in taxpayer dollars are going to support high fructose corn syrup and three other common food ......


Lap Band Surgery in Mexico with Dr Kuri ▲真人版烏克蘭芭比娃娃長大之後竟然大走鐘?(source:goingviralposts,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 不知道大家還記得幾年前,曾經紅遍世界的 Valeria Lukyanova嗎?或者你更熟悉這個外號「烏克蘭真人芭比娃娃」? 根據goingviralposts報導,If you are seriously overweight person and diets and exercise simply aren't working for you, the Lap Band & Bariatric surgery can help you to lose ... Banded October 9, 2012 Remember a couple of months ago when I sent you some before-and-after pictures vi...


Junk Food Tax - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington PostHonda Fit 一直是頗受歡迎的小車車款,日本預計也將在這個月推出小改款,其測試車款也在路上被捕獲,現行的Honda Fit,是2013年在日本推出,也是第三代,這台車目前採用的是1.5升自然進氣引擎,小改款將改採1.0升i-Vtec三缸直噴渦輪增壓引擎,而這引擎將被使用在Fit RS車型,預估The rest of the country should pay attention to what happens on the Navajo Nation following the institution of the junk food tax, which recently passed. They may lead the way for the rest of America in the fight against obesity and related chronic disease...
