夏天協奏曲-習慣 - YouTube老伯...你出現的真是時候 2:13 夏天協奏曲 我知道鋼琴彈奏 by ken77927 79,549 views 5:03 林逸欣Shara【夏天協奏曲】MV by enjoymusicrec 495,129 views 0:58 台灣腳逛大陸 林逸欣 罵髒話 (NG幕後花絮 20090501) by ......
夏天協奏曲 我知道 end - YouTube呃~~這也太.... Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to like ken77927's video. Sign in Sign in to YouTube Ratings have been disabled for this video. Rating is available when the video has been......