Timberland 攜手10.DEEP 推出2014 春夏Nomads 限量聯名系列登山靴
Pacific Islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia近日戶外品牌Timberland 攜手美國潮牌10.DEEP 推出了2014 春夏Nomads 限量聯名系列登山靴。該系列分為藍、紅兩款,以Timberland 招牌的Euro 登山靴為原型,麂皮鞋身兩側印有Timberland 的logo,鞋底則選用了耐磨的橡膠,亮眼配色加上簡約大氣的造型讓登山靴The Pacific Islands comprise 20,000 to 30,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean. Three of the major groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Most of the Pacific Islands lying south of the Tropic of Cancer are collectively ......