Neo@Ogilvy | Leaders in Marketplace Foresight | Global Media Agency — Global digital media and perfo小弟弟裡面最重要的,可就是俗稱「一滴精十滴血」的白色不明液體,而你又對這個液體裡面含有的「蝌蚪」了解多少呢?英國赫芬頓郵報整理出了9個關於精子的問題,一起來揭開蝌蚪們神秘的面紗吧 一、阿姆斯特朗旋風噴射阿姆斯特朗砲一次噴發有多少蝌蚪釋放出來? 健康的人每次射出的量為1.5毫升到5毫升之間,每毫升約有Neo@Ogilvy delivers marketplace foresight and digital media solutions to performance-oriented marketers around the world. ... At Neo@Ogilvy, we are never distracted from creating the future. Our mission is to help our clients leverage the latest digital a...