PTT西斯版主落紅推薦的醫學系正妹 鄉民:醫生....我好像生病了!
Language Fun - CBB - Common English Questions (英文常見問題) - 學長, 學姊, 學弟妹 今天逛PTT表特版的時候發現西斯版主落紅竟然在表特版PO文分享正妹 引起鄉民的熱議! 本文轉自:PTT表特版《[正妹] 我所認識的某位醫師》 FallRed (落紅) 高雄女中 陽明醫科 現在工作地點我就不透露了... 醫學系中Hello all: How can we say 學長, 學姊, 學弟妹 in Egnlish? I really dont know how to say it in English correctly. But I will tell others that "We studied at the same school and She is a senior , I am a junior in college. People may tell some signles from my words....