6位火辣素人極限挑戰國外最新流行「背心反穿半遮奶」。 5只用「一根指頭」根本擋不住啊!
Install or uninstall Internet Explorer - Windows Help ▲這些挑戰愈來愈猛了啊!(source: thechive) 大家好我是云編~ 還記得前陣子很紅的愛心奶挑戰嗎?用手比出愛心的形狀壓在胸部上,雖然完全沒露點,可是好像比露點還令人害羞啊!愛心奶是從中國那邊紅出來的挑戰,不過現在歐美人又有新花樣,就是背心反穿挑戰!根據thechive報Learn how to install or uninstall the latest version of Internet Explorer for your operating system. ... If you've agreed to receive automatic upgrades to Internet Explorer, the latest version of the browser for your operating system will be installed by ...