告別市場 BMW Z4 雙門敞篷跑車正式停產
Fujifilm Finepix F200 EXR Review: Digital Photography Review 在歷經七年後,BMW所出產的雙門敞篷跑車Z4,已正式走入歷史,而後繼車款是與Toyota Supra 共同開發,預計開發的新車款除採BMW的引擎設計外,預期會使用Toyota所擅長的Hybrid油電混合動力。 Z4雙門敞篷跑車是在2002年後正式以後繼車款接手Z3,並在2009年改款Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ... Fujifilm won a great many fans with its F30 and F31...