被逮捕前的 Justin Bieber 小賈斯汀,都在幹些什麼事情?一次性大曝光!
Fuji X20 review | TechRadar - The latest technology news and reviews, covering computing, ho 就在清晨JUKSY搶先報導的快訊中得知,小賈斯汀Justin Bieber在1/23美國邁阿密被逮捕,因為酒駕蛇行、駕照過期與拒捕等三樣罪名被起訴!以台幣7萬6交保(有點便宜)!為了最近沒有他的新聞給大家笑,所以JUKSY貼心製作他「被逮捕前一週」的每日生活!有些挺有趣的欸....XD 【1/19Fuji X20 review | The Fuji X10 was one of the best compact cameras on sale in 2012, but its replacement looks like a real gem. Reviews | TechRadar ... As with the Fuji X100S, the Fuji X20 has a hybrid AF system, and some of the green pixels on the sensor ...