特別企劃|奶茶色耐髒又百搭!6 大鞋款推薦,就連林俊傑 周湯豪都入手
Taiwan - Forbes最近流行的穿搭中,最受歡迎的顏色絕對是奶茶色,跟白色相比,奶茶色不只百搭又耐髒!今天就跟小編一起盤點 6 款不能不知道的鞋款。 Vans Old Skool image via / soccerryosuke16 1977 年,Vans Old Skool 由創辦人Steve Van Taiwan Warily Eyes Spread Of H7N9 In Mainland China Taiwan, the high-tech manufacturing hub that is home to globally important tech businesses such as TSMC, HTC and numerous Apple suppliers, is located only about 100 miles from the shore of mainland ......