去時還是好端端的兩個大活人,兩天之後,她們變成了兩大袋餵狗的肉泥... 畫面太可怕了!
Neopets - Hi! 這次要說的事,發生在俄羅斯的伏爾加斯基... 主要人物,是她們倆... 28歲的Olga Shaposhnikova, 和29歲的Daria Labutina。 她們倆,同在一家商場當銷售助理,平日裡上班的時候是同事, 下班之後,也是關係較為要好的朋友。 Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! ... You've clicked on a link that will take you outside of Neopets.com. We do not control your destination's website, so its rules, regulations, and Meepit defens...