單元【鴻毅有辦法】- 遊覽車重大事故頻傳,到底誰在草菅人命?
Hypospadias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaisCar! 春節返鄉時,司機大華駕駛A公司的遊覽車載了24名乘客,在高速公路上時遊覽車突然不受控制而撞上左方護欄,乘客均受有不同程度的傷害,但未有人死亡。經警方調查後發現,起因為遊覽車輪胎磨損嚴重而導致爆胎,可能是疏於保養之故。乘客應如何請求賠償? Q:大華負何種責任?A:大華是以駕駛遊覽車為業,Hypospadias / h aɪ p oʊ ˈ s p eɪ d ɪ ə s / is a birth defect of the urethra in the male that involves an abnormally placed urinary meatus (the opening, or male external urethral orifice). Instead of opening at the tip of ......