希爾頓千金paris hilton

Paris Hilton - Official Site唸國小二年級的小胖,比同年齡層的小孩胖得多, 於是媽媽只好請醫生幫忙。 小胖:「醫生,我的體重已經超過四十五斤了,我該怎麼辦才好?」 醫生:「那你該多做一些運動!」 小胖:「可是我不喜歡做運動耶!」 醫生:「沒關係,這個運動非常的簡單,你只要一直從左至右,再從右至左的擺動你的頭 ,就可以了。」&nbThe official website of Paris Hilton, celebrity entrepreneur and pioneer of reality television. ... Carry your cash like an heiress with this cream-colored Bon-Ton handbag from Paris Hilton, made from realistic faux crocodile leather with gold emblem badg...


Paris Hilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     求大神幫忙P張瞬間能火的那種     Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American socialite, television personality, model, actress, singer, DJ and author. She is the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotels. Born in New York City and raised there an...


Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad from Jake Szymanski, A...   是不是很可愛呢?但我還是待在原本的世界好了XDDDAn ad for The Paris Hilton Presidential Campaign. Paid for by Funny Or Die. ... [CROWD CHEERS] ANNOUNCER: HE'S THE OLDEST CELEBRITY IN THE WORLD. ANNOUNCER: LIKE, SUPER OLD ANNOUNCER: OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBER WHEN ......


Paris Hilton News, Pictures, and Videos | E! Online自從女神說“呵呵,洗澡去”之後就再也沒聯繫過了   已槁木死灰.....   Paris Hilton, an heiress to the Hilton hotel empire, was born on Feb. 17, 1981 to Rick and Kathy Hilton. She spent her childhood moving between luxurious homes in Beverly Hills, the Hamptons, and New York City and modeling. As a teenager, she began making...


Paris Hilton - Stardoll | English熱血阿伯投票那天早上去投票,看到隔壁的阿伯一起來,阿伯跟我感情不錯,聊一下天,然後哈拉一些有的沒的,我們就進去把票蓋一蓋了。 走出投票所,我準備要回家,阿伯卻沒有。 我ㄧ臉懷疑,跟他說:阿伯,投完票了,阿你不回家喔? 阿伯:嘸啦,我欲對頭看到尾,看到開票完。 Sister of Nicky Hilton, Barron Nicholas Hilton and Conrad Hughes Hilton. Announced she would live on a farm for a new fish-out-of-water "reality" show called "The Simple Life" (2003). Daughter of Rick Hilton and Kathy Richards. For her 21st birthday, she ...
