
British Museum - Room 18: Greece: Parthenon老爸接孩子從幼兒園回家,路上孩子對他說:爸爸,我累了。老爸對孩子說:咱倆數到三,爸爸就抱你走,行不行?孩子很高興的答應了。然後,老爸大聲說:預備——齊步走!1、2、1;1、2、1;1、2、1……他們倆一路走回家了。 Read an introduction to the Parthenon sculptures gallery at the British Museum, London and watch a video celebrating the sculpture from the ancient Acropolis temple in Athens ... To celebrate Vikings Live, we have replaced our Roman alphabet with the runi...


Parthenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 戴胺氛,滑鴿耳,漫帶馬廉,都找你拍廣告就好了啊!數一數二的集中托高效果! The Parthenon (/ˈpɑrθəˌnɒnˌ -nən/; Ancient Greek: Παρθενών; Modern Greek: Παρθενώνας) is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron. Construction began in 447 BC wh...


Parthenon - Ancient Greece 買三層送雙層,已經不夠看了!The Parthenon At the approximate position where the Parthenon was built later, the Athenians began the construction of a building that was burned by the Persians while it was still under construction in 480 BCE. It was presumably dedicated ......


The Parthenon of Athens Greece - Fast Fun Facts 原來這樣就可以擁有一張巴掌大的鵝蛋小臉,削骨玻尿酸都免了啊!Fast facts on the Parthenon and the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. When the Parthenon was built, who built it, and why it is so important to the Greeks and the city of Athens....


Parthenon - Athens, Greece - Sacred Sites and Religious Travel - Sacred Destinations 這吐司,切下去,白刀子進,紅刀子出了!The Parthenon (Greek: Παρθενων) in Athens is the most famous surviving building of Ancient Greece and one of the most famous buildings in the world. The Parthenon has stood atop the Acropolis of Athens for nearly 2,500 years and was built to give thanks t...


Acropolis in Athens, The Parthenon - Ancient Greece for KidsOooops! An acropolis is an area of high ground. In ancient Greece, many cities were built around an acropolis. It was easier to defend high ground than it was low ground. They could see the enemy coming and take shelter in the buildings built high above the city....
