Colosseum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 來源:微信十萬種可能(ID:pianhang01)授權轉載 咦,這麼漂亮的地方, 是哪個地中海小鎮? 不對,小十再定睛一看—— 房子的頂這麼有特色, 那一定是中國的。 不賣關子,這裡是 北京市懷柔區的大水峪村。 可你能想到嗎? 就在Construction of the Colosseum began under the rule of the Emperor Vespasian in around 70–72 AD, funded by the spoils taken from the Jewish Temple after the Siege of Jerusalem The site chosen was a flat area on the floor of a low valley between the Caelian...